Monday, October 31, 2011

Faith in Action Blog | Thomas Aquinas College

Reblogged from Faith in Action Blog | Thomas Aquinas College:
Theologian / ethicist / cultural commentator Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93) has a new column in Headline Bistro about the “strange, weird, and … largely unregulated world of assisted reproductive technologies.” In it she makes an important distinction between “having a child and being a parent,” noting:

“There are many opportunities for people to become parents, either by having their own children naturally or by adopting children desperately in need of a home (and parents). In either case, there may still be situations where people view children as a fancy accessory or possession. The fact that they’re having a child naturally or adopting doesn’t mean that their intentions are necessarily good. But at least the child isn’t being custom ordered like a car or a piece of furniture.”

Dr. de Solenni is also a regular guest on the Catholic Answers Live radio program, and recently defended the Church on NPR.


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