Monday, August 5, 2013

An Open Letter to Christians

Dearest sibling,
Recently I attended a lecture by a man who claimed to be a deeply religious Christian but lived against some of its tenets. When an audience member asked him about the disparity, he shrugged off the difficulty as ethereal. "Look at Christianity," he said. "People have all kinds of interpretations and translations. Some people include books that others don't." He effectively said, "Christianity isn't one thing, it's a free-for-all, so I make of it what I choose. And that goes for any of my other actions! I do what I choose, and it is good."

Dear Christian, this goes against what we believe. We do not choose what is true and what isn't! We are chosen, we are added to the Lord--conformed to Him, made like Him! It is a beautiful, saving obedience. We know this, and we hope to spread this knowledge to others so that they, too, can be safe in holiness.

I call us to unity. We are giving scandal to the world by being so separated. We are lending credence to faults and sins that pain our Lord! We must stop it, and we must put effort into stopping it!

On my way to work I drive down a block with six churches of various denominations on it. Flanking both sides of the street and one right next to the other, they stand like detached body parts of a man horribly wounded. How can we stand to see our Jesus like this? I call us to knock on our brothers' door: knock on the door of the church nearest you and set up a meeting. Talk about what you have in common. Talk about unity in the next fifty years. Talk about stitching our Lord's wounds closed. And talk about setting an example of love, unity, and radical holiness to our world.

With a fond embrace and with Jesus among us,
Your sister in Christ

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